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Archive For: Romania

The Central University Library, Bucharest, Romania

10 free things you can do in Bucharest

April 18, 2018

Being such a complex city, there are plenty of things to experience in Bucharest. Some of them are even free of charge. So, check out which are the best 10 free things to do in Bucharest.

Sucevita Painted Convent


December 19, 2016

Sucevita is a beautiful little town with many old traditional houses. The local architecture attracts the attention of the visitors. The beautiful wooden porches, the floral motifs, the shingled roofs, the elegant fences and the beautiful roofs of the local wells and gates are a real pleasure to be admired and photographed. The locals of Sucevita are very friendly, and sometimes you might spot some of them wearing with pride their old traditional costumes.

Rick Steves in Romania

Guiding Rick Steves in Transylvania

December 11, 2016

In May and June 2016 we had the chance of having Rick Steves, together with his team, as our guest. Although they were not in Romania for the first time, it was still the first time they were about to produce a travel documentary about Bucharest, Transylvania, and Maramures.

General Aspects about Romania

March 22, 2016

Many of you might think that Romania is located in the eastern part of Europe, in fact, when asked where have you been, most of you will say that you have been in Eastern Europe. Well, this is wrong. Romania is located pretty much in the center of Europe, almost the half distance from the western and eastern fringes of Europe (2600km roughly). If Romania is an eastern European country then what can we say about Azerbaijan, Georgia or about the people who live in the western part of the Ural Mountains?

Hiking in the Carpathian Mountains, Romania

Want to book a trip to Romania?

February 25, 2016

Want to book a trip to Romania? Seven important things to look for when booking a tour to Romania I have been working in the travel industry for more than twenty years now, and I can tell you that booking a tour to visit Romania is not something challenging or even difficult. Moreover, if you…

Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Travel To Eastern Europe

January 5, 2016

Eastern Europe is now the the exotic part of Europe, the new Europe. FInd out what can you do here, why it’s becoming so attracting year by year, what can you do and what you should not miss.