Archive For: Valentina Marinescu

visit Corvin castle

A visit to Corvin Castle

February 26, 2020

On a trip to Romania, a visit to Corvin Castle should not miss from your itinerary. Corvin Castle, also known as Hunyadi Castle, is a Gothic treasure of Transylvania and an important cultural landmark of Romania.

small group tours to Romania and Bulgaria

Small Group Tours to Romania and Bulgaria

February 18, 2020

As part of Eastern Europe, Romania and Bulgaria share many similarities but, at the same time, they have their unique traits.
In this article, we will mention some unique features of each country, similarities, and differences but also why you could consider visiting both places by taking a small group tour to Romania & Bulgaria.

Photo Tour in Romania

5 Reasons for a Photo Tour in Romania

January 30, 2020

Photo Tours in Romania are growing in popularity. Located at the crossroads between Orient and Occident, Romania stands as a unique and diverse culture that can be beautifully captured on film.
Check out 5 Reasons to Take a Photo Tour in Romania:

History of Roma people in Romania

A brief history of Roma people in Romania

December 17, 2019

Even though they represent one of Romania’s most significant minorities, few things are known about the Roma people: which are their origins, what language they speak, old traditions and other curiosities. Discover their stories behind stereotypes.


Romanian traditional dishes

December 3, 2019

Besides visiting Romania’s major attractions, you should also consider an authentic culinary experience. Discover the best Romanian traditional dishes.

National Day of Romania

December 1st, Romania’s National Day

November 29, 2019

The National Day of Romania is celebrated each year on December 1st. It is a major holiday that marks a very important historical event: the unification of Transylvania with the Romanian Kingdom, in 1918. On this day, Romanians everywhere celebrate on the streets, at the military parades in Alba-Iulia or Bucharest, or at home with their loved ones.